Jeff's says :

Inspirasiku untuk membuat blog yang dapat memberikan segala pengetahuan dan dapat menjadi tuntunan bagi sobat JF's Zone. Pengetahuan dengan dasar Teknologi Informasi yang aku dapatkan sehingga dapat berguna bagi pembaca dan dapat digunakan sebagai inspirasi dalam memperoleh wawasan.

Aku ingin ilmuku bermanfaat bagi orang lain...

Listen to conversation with a professor
Man           :     Professor Day, May I see you for a minute?
Woman    :     Sure, Come on in, Mike, What’s the matter?
Man           :     I’ve got a problem.
Woman    :     Okay.
Man           :     I need your technical writing class. And, I knew I had to have it so I went early to registration, but by the time I got to the front of the line, it was closed. See, my advisor signed my course request and everything. I was just too far back in the line.
Woman    :     That’s a big class already, Mike. If it’s closed, that means I have fifty students in it.
Man           :     I’m not surprised. It’s is supposed to be really good class.
Woman    :     Can’t you take it next year? We offer it every fall
Man           :     Well, that’s the problem. I’m supposed to be graduating this spring. But, of course, I can’t graduate without your class.
Woman    :     I see. In that case, I’ll sign an override for you. It looks like there will be fifty one.
                          Take this form back to registration area and they’ll get you in.
Man           :     Thanks, Professor Day. I really appreciate this!
1.       What is Mike’s problem?
a)     He was late arriving at registration
b)    He needs an advisor’s signature on a course request form
c)     He is not doing well in the class because it is so large
d)    He must have the permission of the instructor to enroll in a class
Answer is D
2.       What does Mike want Professor Day to do?
a)      Help him with the class
b)      Explain some technical vocabulary
c)       Give him special permission to take the class
d)      Take a form to the registration area
Answer is C
3.       What does Mike say about graduation?
a)      He has planned to graduate in the fall
b)      He has  to take professor Day’s class in order to graduate
c)       He needs the professor to sign his application for graduation.
d)      He does not have enough credits for graduation
Answer is B
4.       What does Professor Day decide to do?
a)      Enroll Mike in the class next Year
b)      Allow Mike to take the class this term
c)       Give Mike permission to graduate without the class
d)      Register Mike for another class
                Answer is B

from : Barron's "TOEFL"
Antonius Jefri K (10410100039)

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